Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System – Evidence from Manufacturing Industries
Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
This paper analyses the extent of technological capability of foreign subsidiaries located in East Germany, and looks at the determinants of foreign subsidiaries’ technological sourcing behaviour. The theory of international production underlines the importance of strategic and regional level variables. However, existing empirical approaches omit by and large regional level factors. We employ survey evidence from the “FDI micro data- base” of the IWH, that was only recently made available, to conduct our analyses. We find that foreign subsidiaries are above average technologically active in comparison to the whole East German manufacturing. This can be partially explained by the industrial structure of foreign direct investment. However, only a limited share of foreign subsidiaries with R&D and/or innovation activity source technological knowledge from the East German innovation system. If a subsidiary follows a competence augmenting strategy or does local trade, it is more likely to source technological knowledge locally. The endowment of a region with human capital and a scientific infrastructure has a positive effect too. The findings suggest that foreign subsidiaries in East Germany are only partially linked with the regional innovation system. Policy implications are discussed.
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The Role of the Human Capital and Managerial Skills in Explaining the Productivity Gaps between East and West
Wolfgang Steffen, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
This paper assess determinants of productivity gaps between firms in the European transition countries and regions and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the firm level by use of a unique database constructed by field work. The determinants tested in a simple econometric regression model are focussed upon the issue of human capital and modern market-oriented management. The results are novel in as much as a solution was established for the puzzling results in related research with respect to a comparison of formal qualification between East and West. Furthermore, the analysis was able to establish that the kind of human capital and expertise mostly needed in the post-socialist firms are related to the particular requirements of a competitive marketbased economic environment. Finally, the analysis also finds empirical support for the role of capital deepening in productivity catch-up, as well as the case that the gaps in labour productivity are most importantly rooted in a more labour-intense production, which does not give rise to a competitive disadvantage.
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FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry-level View
Claudia M. Buch
CEPR. Discussion Paper No. 6464,
Previous empirical work on the link between domestic and foreign investment provides mixed results which partly depend on the level of aggregation of the data. We argue that the aggregated home country implications of foreign direct investment (FDI) cannot be gauged using firm-level data. Aggregated data, in turn, miss channels through which domestic and foreign activities interact. Instead, industry-level data provide useful information on the link between domestic and foreign investment. We theoretically show that the effects of FDI on the domestic capital stock depend on the structure of industries and the relative importance of domestic and multinational firms. Our model allows distinguishing intra-sector competition from inter-sector linkage effects. We test the model using data on German FDI. Using panel cointegration methods, we find evidence for a positive long-run impact of FDI on the domestic capital stock and on the stock of inward FDI. Effects of FDI on the domestic capital stock are driven mainly by intra-sector effects. For inward FDI, inter-sector linkages matter as well.
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Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan
East-West Journal of Economics and Business,
This research assesses the firm-specific reasons for lower producitivity levels between West and East German firms. The study is based on a unique data-base generated by field-work in the two particularly important sectors of machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in explaining lower productivity levels, as well as particularly networking activities, and the use of modern technologies for communication. Classifying those as management-functions beyond the organisation of the production process itself, we identify management deficits as the main specific determinants of productivity gaps between West and East German firms.
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Determinants and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from German Firm-Level Data
Claudia M. Buch, J. Kleinert, A. Lipponer
Economic Policy,
No. 41,
Foreign direct investment is an essential aspect of ‘globalization’ yet its empirical determinants are not well understood. What we do know is based either on poor data for a wide range of nations, or good data for the US and Swedish cases. In this paper, we provide evidence on the determinants of the activities of German multinational firms by using a newly available firm-level data set from the Deutsche Bundesbank. The specific goal of this paper is to demonstrate the relative role of country-level and firm-level determinants of foreign direct investment. We focus on three main questions: First, what are the main driving forces of German firms’ multinational activities? Second, is there evidence that sector-level and firm-level factors shape internationalization patterns? Third, is there evidence of agglomeration effects in the foreign activities of German firms? We find that the market access motive for internationalization dominates. Firms move abroad mainly to gain better access to large foreign markets. Cost-saving motives, however, are important for some manufacturing sectors. Our results strongly suggest that firm-level heterogeneity has an important influence on internationalization patterns – as stressed by recent models of international trade. We also find positive agglomeration effects for the activities of German firms that stem from the number of other German firms that are active on a given foreign market. In terms of lessons for economic policy, our results show that lowering barriers to the integration of markets and encouraging the formation of human capital can promote the activities of multinational firms. However, our results related to the heterogeneity of firms and agglomeration tendencies show that it might be difficult to fine-tune policies directed at the exploitation of synergies and at the creation of clusters of foreign firms.
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Investment, Financial Markets, New Economy Dynamics and Growth in Transition Countries
Albrecht Kauffmann, P. J. J. Welfens
Economic Opening Up and Growth in Russia: Finance, Trade, Market Institutions, and Energy,
The transition to a market economy in the former CMEA area is more than a decade old and one can clearly distinguish a group of relatively fast growing countries — including Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia — and a majority of slowly growing economies, including Russia and the Ukraine. Initial problems of transition were natural in the sense that systemic transition to a market economy has effectively destroyed part of the existing capital stock that was no longer profitable under the new relative prices imported from world markets; and there was a transitory inflationary push as low state-administered prices were replaced by higher market equilibrium prices. Indeed, systemic transformation in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have brought serious transitory inflation problems and a massive transition recession; negative growth rates have continued over many years in some countries, including Russia and the Ukraine, where output growth was negative throughout the 1990s (except for Russia, which recorded slight growth in 1997). For political and economic reasons the economic performance of Russia is of particular relevance for the success of the overall transition process. If Russia would face stagnation and instability, this would undermine political and economic stability in the whole of Europe and prospects for integrating Russia into the world economy.
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Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan, Karin Szalai
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 183,
Industrial productivity levels of formerly socialist economies in Central East Europe (including East Germany) are considerably lower than in the more mature Western economies. This research aims at assessing the reasons for lower productivities at the firm level: what are the firm-specific determinants of productivity gaps. To assess this, we have conducted an extensive field study and focussed on a selection of two important manufacturing industries, namely machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers, and on the construction industry. Using the data generated in field work, we test a set of determinant-candidates which were derived from theory and prior research in that topic. Our analysis uses the simplest version of the matched-pair approach, in which first hypothesis about relevant productivity level-determinants are tested. In a second step, positively tested hypothesis are further assessed in terms of whether they also constitute firm-specific determinants of the apparent gaps between the firms in our Eastern and such in our Western panels. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in all three industrial branches assessed. Amongst manufacturing firms, networking activities and the use of modern technologies for communication are important reasons for the lower levels of labour productivity in the East. The intensity of long-term strategic planning on behalf of the management turned out to be relevant only for machinery manufacturers. Product and process innovations unexpectedly exhibit an ambiguous picture, as did the extent of specialisation on a small number of products in the firms’ portfolio and the intensity of competition.
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A Study of the Competitiveness of Regions based on a Cluster Analysis: The Example of East Germany
Franz Kronthaler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 179,
This paper examines whether some East German regions have already achieved the same economic capability as the regions in West Germany, so that they are on a competitive basis with the West German regions and are able to reach the same economic level in the long run. If this is not the case, it is important to know more about the reasons for the economic weakness of the East German regions twelve years after unification.
The study is based on a cluster analysis. Criteria for the cluster formation are several economic indicators, which provide information about the economic capability of regions. The choice of the indicators is based on a review of results of the theoretical and empirical literature on the new growth theory and new economic geography.
The results show that most of the East German regions have not yet reached the economic capability and competitiveness of their West German counterparts so that they - from the viewpoint of the new growth theory and the new economic geography - are not in the position to reach the same economic level. According to these theories economic disadvantages are most notably the consequences of less technical progress, a lack of entrepreneurship and fewer business concentration. Under these points it is especially noteworthy that young well educated people leave these East German regions so that human capital might will turn into a bottle-neck in the near future. Only a few regions in East Germany - those with important agglomerations - are comparable to West German regions that are characterised by average capability and competitiveness, but not to those with above average economic capability and competitiveness. Even those more advanced East German regions still suffer from a slower technical progress.
There are important policy implications based on these results: regional policy in East Germany was not able to assist raising all regions to a sufficient level of competitiveness. It may be more effective to concentrate the regional policy efforts on a selection of important agglomerations. This has also strong implications for the EU regional policy assuming that the accession countries will have similar problems in catching up to the economic level of the EU as have the East German regions.
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The economic situation in Belarus – Obsolescence of capital stock blocks growth (Eighteenth Report)
No. 5,
Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt und die reale Industrieproduktion nahmen im vergangenen Jahr um 6% bzw. 8% zu. Auch blieb die offiziell registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit weiterhin auf einem sehr niedrigen Niveau von etwa 2% der Erwerbspersonen. Die Republik Belarus gehört aber damit nur auf den ersten Blick zu den wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas. Diese "Erfolge" wurden nämlich zu einem hohen Preis erkauft: Die Inflationsrate blieb auf einem dreistelligen Niveau (169%). Die Anlageinvestitionen nahmen ab, sodass sich der Zustand des Kapitalstocks weiter verschlechterte. Faktisch besteht der Kapitalstock zur Hälfte aus Anlagen, die vollständig abgeschrieben wurden. Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung setzte vor allem auf die Förderung des privaten Konsums und die Sicherung einer möglichst hohen Beschäftigung, auch durch Aufrechterhaltung unrentabler Produktionen. Ein Strukturwandel fand nicht statt. Die Privatisierung wurde faktisch abgebrochen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die ständige Steigerung der Reallöhne (12% im vergangenen Jahr) und des privaten Konsums bei rückläufigen Investitionen einen Substanzverzehr nach sich zieht: Der Kapitalstock wurde in konsumierbares Einkommen umgewandelt. Abgesichert wurde diese falsche Politik durch eine übermäßige Ausweitung der Geldmenge, in deren Ergebnis der Monetisierungsgrad der belarussischen Wirtschaft im vergangenen Jahr auf ein Niveau von 5% fiel, welches das geringe Vertrauen in die Währung reflektiert. Das Defizit in der Leistungsbilanz verringerte sich zwar etwas im vergangenen Jahr. Die Steigerung der realen Exporte bei gleichzeitiger Senkung der realen Importe wurde aber durch die drastische Verschlechterung der Terms of Trade, insbesondere im Handel mit Russland (- 20%), weitgehend kompensiert. Die ökonomisch zweifelhafte Konzentration der Exporte auf Russland wurde via Gegengeschäfte, insbesondere Barter, durchgesetzt, in dessen Folge belarussische Exporteure erhebliche Preisabschläge hinnehmen mussten. Auf diese Weise wurde ein Teil des zusätzlichen Volkseinkommens nach Russland transferiert. Positiv ist lediglich zu verbuchen, dass im September des vergangenen Jahres ein einheitlicher Wechselkurs eingeführt wurde. Problematisch am neuen Wechselkurssystem ist allerdings die Einführung eines gleitenden Bandes, wobei die zentrale Parität an den Rubel gebunden wurde. Diese in Vorausnahme der beabsichtigten Währungsunion eingeführte Bindung erhöht die Gefahr einer realen Aufwertung gegenüber dem US-Dollar und dem Euro. Darüber hinaus stellt ein gleitendes Band einen nur schwachen Versuch dar, das fehlende Vertrauen in die Landeswährung wieder herzustellen. Das Wachstum des BIP wird im laufenden Jahr 2001 wahrscheinlich 4% betragen (der Industrie 5%). Die anstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen in diesem Jahr lassen eine erhebliche Expansion der Reallöhne und der Geldmenge erwarten. Entsprechend dem Muster der vergangenen Jahre würde dies mit einer weiteren Abschwächung der Investitionen und damit einem weiteren Substanzverlust in der Wirtschaft einhergehen. Die Inflationsrate wird trotz erheblicher Ausweitung der Geldmenge mit 150% in etwa auf dem Niveau des Jahres 2000 verbleiben; eine niedrigere Rate wird auch mit neuen administrativen Preiskontrollen kaum zu erreichen sein
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Trade deficits in Poland and Estonia: Capital imports versus import penetration and the sustainability of current account deficits
Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 82,
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