East Germany
The Nasty Gap 30 years after unification: Why East Germany is still 20% poorer than the West Dossier In a nutshell The East German economic convergence process is hardly…
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Department Profiles
Research Profiles of the IWH Departments All doctoral students are allocated to one of the four research departments (Financial Markets – Laws, Regulations and Factor Markets –…
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Department Profiles
Research Profiles of the IWH Departments All doctoral students are allocated to one of the four research departments (Financial Markets – Laws, Regulations and Factor Markets –…
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A Market-based Indicator of Currency Risk: Evidence from American Depositary Receipts
Stefan Eichler, Ingmar Roevekamp
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
We introduce a novel currency risk measure based on American Depositary Receipts(ADRs). Using a multifactor pricing model, we exploit ADR investors’ exposure to potential devaluation losses to derive an indicator of currency risk. Using weekly data for a sample of 831 ADRs located in 23 emerging markets over the 1994-2014 period, we find that a deterioration in the fiscal and current account balance, as well as higher inflation, increases currency risk. Interaction models reveal that these macroeconomic fundamentals drive currency risk, particularly in countries with managed exchange rates, low levels of foreign exchange reserves and a poor sovereign credit rating.
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Switching to Exchange Rate Flexibility? The Case of Central and Eastern European Inflation Targeters
Andrej Drygalla
FIW Working Paper,
No. 139,
This paper analyzes changes in the monetary policy in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland following the policy shift from exchange rate targeting to inflation targeting around the turn of the millennium. Applying a Markovswitching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, switches in the policy parameters and the volatilities of shocks hitting the economies are estimated and quantified. Results indicate the presence of regimes of weak and strong responses of the central banks to exchange rate movements as well as periods of high and low volatility. Whereas all three economies switched to a less volatile regime over time, findings on changes in the policy parameters reveal a lower reaction to exchange rate movements in the Czech Republic and Poland, but an increased attention to it in Hungary. Simulations for the Czech Republic and Poland also suggest their respective central banks, rather than a sound macroeconomic environment, being accountable for reducing volatility in variables like inflation and output. In Hungary, their favorable developments can be attributed to a larger extent to the reduction in the size of external disturbances.
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Euro Area External Imbalances and the Burden of Adjustment
Filippo di Mauro, Francesco Pappadà
Journal of International Money and Finance,
The objective of this paper is to explore the consequences of the correction of Euro area trade imbalances on real exchange rates. This analysis requires one additional dimension with respect to the standard Global Imbalances framework à la Obstfeld and Rogoff (2005), since the adjustment takes place within and outside the Euro area. Both types of adjustments are analyzed in a three-country general equilibrium model with a tradable and a non-tradable sectors, and heterogeneous firms built upon Pappadà (2011). ECB (CompNet) data are used to measure the differences in firm size and productivity dispersion across Euro area countries. With respect to the surplus country (Germany), countries running a trade deficit (Spain, Italy) are characterised by a productivity distribution with a lower mean and a less fat right tail. This increases the relative price movement associated with the external adjustment because of the limited role played by the extensive margin. We show that the real exchange rate movements are underestimated when the cross-country differences in terms of productivity distributions are neglected.
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Real Effective Exchange Rate Misalignment in the Euro Area: A Counterfactual Analysis
Makram El-Shagi, Axel Lindner, Gregor von Schweinitz
Were real effective exchange rates (REER) of Euro area member countries drastically misaligned at the outbreak of the global financial crisis? The answer is difficult to determine because economic theory gives no simple guideline for determining the equilibrium values of real exchange rates, and the determinants of those values might have been distorted as well. To overcome these limitations, we use synthetic matching to construct a counterfactual economy for each member as a linear combination of a large set of non-Euro area countries. We find that Euro area crisis countries are best described by a mixture of advanced and emerging economies. Comparing the actual REER with those of the counterfactuals gives sensible estimates of the misalignments at the start of the crisis: All peripheral countries were strongly overvalued, while high undervaluation is only observed for Finland.
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Exchange Rate Regime, Real Misalignment and Currency Crises
Oliver Holtemöller, Sushanta Mallick
Economic Modelling,
No. 34,
Based on 69 sample countries, this paper examines the effect of macroeconomic fundamentals on real effective exchange rates (REER) in these sample countries. Using the misalignment of actual REER from its equilibrium level, we have estimated the factors explaining the extent of currency over- or under-valuation. Overall, we find that the higher the flexibility of the currency regime, the lower is the misalignment. The estimates are robust to different sub-samples of countries. We then explore the impact of such misalignment on the probability of a currency crisis in the next period, indicating the extent to which misalignment could be used as a leading indicator of a potential crisis. This paper thus makes a new contribution to the debate on the choice of exchange rate regime by bringing together real exchange rate misalignment and currency crisis literature.
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The Exchange Rate of the Euro Cannot be Explained Fundamentally even Ten Years after the Introduction of the New Currency
Tobias Knedlik
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Am 01.01.2009 feiert der Euro seinen zehnten Geburtstag. Mit der Einführung der Gemeinschaftswährung verlor der Fremdwährungsaußenhandel in Europa an Bedeutung. Dennoch stellt der Außenhandel mit Ländern außerhalb der Eurozone weiterhin einen wichtigen Teil der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität dar und beläuft sich auf über ein Viertel des deutschen Bruttoinlandprodukts. Deshalb bleibt der Außenwert des Euro von wesentlicher Bedeutung für die deutsche Wirtschaft. Der Verlauf der Wechselkursentwicklung zeigt eine Phase der Abwertung des Euro, die unmittelbar nach Einführung der neuen Währung einsetzte und ihren Tiefpunkt Ende 2000 erreichte. Seit dieser Zeit wertet der Euro, abgesehen von einer Delle im Jahr 2005, nahezu stetig auf. Erst die aktuelle Finanzkrise stoppte seinen Aufwärtstrend.
In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, ob die Schwankungen des Euro-Wechselkurses durch zwei zentrale theoretische Konzepte zur Wechselkursbestimmung erklärt werden können. Die empirische Analyse zeigt, dass weder die Gültigkeit der Kaufkraftparitätentheorie noch die Gültigkeit der Zinsparitätentheorie für den Euroraum bestätigt werden kann. Für die Prognosetätigkeit lässt sich daraus schlussfolgern, dass die Verwendung von Zufallsprozessen für die Beschreibung des Wechselkursverlaufs gerechtfertigt ist. Bezüglich der Währungspolitik bliebe zu fragen, welche Alternativen zum ungesteuerten Wechselkurs möglich wären, um der Bedeutung des Wechselkurses für die Geldpolitik gerecht zu werden.
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